Prices still falling, wholesale not letting up

I will be posting the numbers for this later tonight, but as of now the Spike Line has been crossed as wholesale rose again today by 3.58 cents. Indianapolis is 1.5 cents over the line, Indiana is 0.5 cents, and Michigan is still 0.5 cents on the good side of the line. However, this includes the UP, which has a lot of higher prices at the moment, so when I grab a Speedway average for Michigan later tonight, I expect to see it has been crossed. Currently the Speedway website is acting funky, so I can’t get an average.

This means we should see a spike soon. The big question is, when? Wednesday is usually not a day for a spike, as the weekly DOE report comes out on that day. If it is a good report, the wholesale prices could go down, and we could avoid a spike. If it’s bad, we could see wholesale rise again, and see that spike as early as tomorrow, and definitely Thursday. Keep a close eye on the numbers at “The Spike Line” as this situation develops.

Updated: December 1, 2009 — 10:41 pm


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  1. Already happened here. $2.69.

  2. Speedway @ 68th and 131 dropped 10 cents a gallon Wednesday from to $2.59/gal to $2.49/gal

  3. 68th and 131 Speedway back to $2.59/gal thurs. but after Meijer on 76th and 131 went up first.

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