Wholesale prices stable

Comment on the January 14 posting:  Prices hiked to $1.99 the next day, so the prediction was CORRECT. 

January 28, 2009, 7:20 AM:  I haven’t been posting the past two weeks because I’ve been struggling with the head cold that has been going around and doing a lot at work, and the wholesale prices have been pretty stable and calm.  As of this morning, we have the same wholesale prices we were looking at on January 9.  There are concerns about a refinery strike, but those concerns haven’t affected NYMEX or AXXIS prices yet.  Given where wholesale prices are, and with prices dipping below $1.80 in the area, it would not be surprising if we got a reset back to $1.99 by the end of the week, but it would also not be surprising if prices continued to drop slowly.  Yes, that’s quite a non-prediction, but what it means is I have no edge in "The Game" this morning.

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