A Speedway gas station in Fairfield, Ohio is reporting gas prices at $1.99 tonight! Is Grand Rapids headed there? There is a remote chance… today’s COST is roughly $2.28 to stations, so we still have a lot of room to fall, and I expect local prices here to decline.
However, I am worried that oil prices are approaching an eventual bottom. We may go lower, but keep in mind the lower we go now, the higher it may go later.
This week’s fill-up strategy should be a few gallons when you need them. I won’t be filling the tank to "F" just yet.
Also some pictures from Steven in Ohio (Thanks!) of the local price of $2.09! Wouldn’t you love to have that here? I was just remarking Saturday night how LOVELY it was to be paying "just" $2.50… 6 gallons for $15 and change.

Can you explain why you believe that we will pay for this later? Wouldn’t it also be logical that when the market rebounds, that oil will do the same, but not to the extremes that we saw this summer. I think many either saw or are seeing some of the effects of $150/barrel of crude oil. I just don’t understand the logic of possible record high prices as a result of these current low prices (love it). PS I love this site and keep up the great work.