First ever Saturday hike! Speedway to $4.19! $5 spotted in the South

EDIT: Speedway has just hiked for the first time EVER on a Saturday. They made the jump to $4.19!

TheGasGame has independently confirmed gas prices of $4.99 in areas of Tennessee (all over!), a few stations in North Carolina, and Kentucky. We’ve also confirmed prices of $4.69 in Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. Also prices of OVER $4.49 in South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Virgina, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and INDIANA. STAY TUNED.

According to a source familar with wholesale rack prices in Grand Rapids, he says prices that stations get charged went up last night. If the station purchases branded gasoline (such as Shell, BP, Mobil, etc) they price rose 18-cents per gallon. If the station buy unbranded gasoline (usually the cheaper stations) their price rose 25-cents per gallon.
This is a very odd situation. You’ll likely see stations that need more fuel try to raise prices leading to a large-scale, super UNORGANIZED price hike. Stations do not want to lose that much per gallon and will be forced to sell higher. Again, this could create an odd price hike situation.

We may see $4.19-$4.35 before the day is out, but we’ll see. This likely is happening all over the Midwest.

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  1. I live in Bonneau, SC and watched our gas prices go from $3.53 a gallon to $4.39 a gall on in one day. I feel this is gouging and have reported all of the gass stations to the attorney general. I doubt anything will happen but you never know.

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