Speedway resets to $3.75

From a source:

“We had an 11 cent increase tonight. I would think that there is an extremely good chance that Speedway will move to $3.859 on Thursday morning.”

With that, I say BE CAREFUL! I would fill your tanks and not take chances! There are plenty of stations selling around $3.70/gal tonight.

Fill’er up!

EDIT 9/4 9AM: Looks like Speedway has “reset” to $3.75. Not a bad deal folks!


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  1. Whoops, I meant to write $3.859. Sorry, I was trying to hurry and got distracted.

    Hopefully Hurricane Ike will get beat up by wind shear like Hanna has. It looks like they are predicting it to turn North like Hanna now, but it is still pretty early.

    They might have time to get some rigs pumping for a few days, which would help prices. But, I still can’t imagine that they can bring tankers in any time soon.

    Sorry again for the typo yesterday.

  2. I’m shocked that they only moved that much. $3.759 is about an 11 cent markup for us and they normally move to a 19-21 cent markup.

    Marathon knows better than either of us what the true status of crude in the Gulf is. So, I don’t know if this move means that they are planning on dropping rack prices tonight or making another price restore tomorrow.

  3. In Grand Haven Meijer reset to $3.75 late yesterday afternoon, already back down to $3.72 today, not 1 other gas station raised their prices and we don’t have a speedway at all! Most other gas stations around here are $3.58-$3.65. I’ve noticed this all summer, I think Meijer is trying to be the next Speedway.

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