I want to buy gas for $2.09 or less

Comment on last week’s prediction:  We got the price hike, to $2.19 last Wednesday, and then another hike to $2.25 on Monday.  Basically CORRECT.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 1:15 PM:  Last Wednesday’s price hike to $2.19 brought out something we haven’t seen in a while:  letters of complaint to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press.  We had got down below $1.90 in some places, so, percentage-wise, it was quite a jump, but let’s keep in mind that we are much cheaper than six months ago.  The two hikes of the past week pretty-much hit the pattern of jumping to the 20-cent margin price, although what has been tricky is that wholesale prices have been bouncing around a lot lately.  This afternoon, the 20-cent price is about $2.22, and the 0-cent margin price is $2.04.  As prices are mostly near $2.22, there won’t be another price hike this week, and I would buy gas at $2.09 or lower if I could, such as in Allendale.

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