GR Press Article

An interesting and long article on the front page of Sunday’s GR Press about gas prices. Some of it fits my experience, but I don’t agree with the calculation about stations losing money. I’ve been doing the Gas Game publicly for four years, and I have heard from many dealers, but no one has ever said shipping and handling adds 18 cents to a gallon of gas. If you add that to my formula, then price hikes basically re-set the price so that the retailers are breaking even, and that doesn’t ring true with me. I have also been told that competition is not “dwindling” and is rather intense. By my estimation, break-even for the retailers is in the low $2.70s today, so we are setting up for a price hike to $2.89 or higher soon. The next day, prices rose to $2.89. Now that’s what I call CORRECT!

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