Math calculations

I inquired this week about the actual wholesale price, to re-calibrate my spreadsheet if necessary. For those of you playing the Gas Game at home, the real 0-cent margin price on Monday was about $2.83. This is very close to my daily calculation, if you *average* the “HU” and “RB” contracts. In another month or so, it should be clear how to use the new “RB” contract. Although we are not happy about recent price hikes, they actually could have been worse, but Speedway and friends are using smaller margins right now, rather than price gas over $3. Another positive is that wholesale prices have dropped nine cents since Monday, meaning some stations will set prices below $2.80 over the next few days, I predict. All went as predicted, with no price hike, and prices below $2.80 at several places, including along Alpine, so CORRECT!

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