Oh, joy. $2.49 yesterday?

Oh, joy. $2.49 yesterday? What’s up here? This morning, the 20-cent margin price is $2.25. Prices are cheaper in Chicago then here. I’ve checked around news sites and don’t see any news of refineries blowing up. So, either Speedway is tired of making only 20 cents a gallon, or someone made a mistake sending out a price hike e-mail yesterday to stations. Either way, I can’t believe this price hike will last, when the 0-cent margin price is $2.04. Wait to fill up, if possible. By Friday morning, prices were down to $2.38 in Walker, a bit lower away from Grand Rapids, but still at $2.49 in others. I’m going to have to give myself a WRONG here about believeing the price hike wouldn’t last.

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