September 1

Update for Thursday, Sept 1, 2005:

I’ve noticed that the north side of Grand Rapids (Walker, Comstock Park, etc) have had their prices rise to $3.39, while in Grand Rapids it has remained $3.19.

I can’t help but think these prices are clearly gas gouging today. The wholesale price that they are being charged is approx $2.37 a gallon. Now, listen a minute before you say “wow! there’s a dollar difference”…

That price is without tax or fees. Usually the markup is about 75 cents give or take.
The stations selling for $3.19 are selling at a “fair” price (I know, its harsh) while the stations in northern Grand Rapids charge more. They both are getting their gas from the same pipeline, so I can’t understand how they can be getting away with this.

Avoid stations that are charging more than $3.26 per gallon.

We’re in for a very bumpy road, wholesale gas prices have been all over the place. Having said that, prices have actually come down since yesterday, about 25 cents per gallon. This does not mean pump prices will come down 25 cents, it just means that gas stations never passed that rising cost to us consumers (that was nice, wasn’t it?). Gas prices SHOULD HOLD STEADY for the next day or so (at which time I will re-evaluate and inform you what will happen next)

Another note: THIS PRICING IS NOT THE FAULT OF GAS STATIONS. These stations, even with national names, are mostly owned by citizens of Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. They are making MAYBE a one or two cents per gallon. PLEASE, research who is at fault before you assign blame. I don’t particularly like these prices either, but since I know the story, I can direct my energy somewhere else.

If you have *ANY* questions about gas prices, let me know. I will be opening a GR Gas Price Forum soon. Stay Tuned!

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