Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Friday’s price hike to $2.49 was remarkable as it was the first Friday price hike I’ve seen, and it was the first time I remember two price hikes in one week. In economics, they would call this a black swan, rare but possible. Who to blame? Wholesale prices shot up last Wednesday (before the London bombings) and Speedway and friends have a history of passing those quick jumps on to consumers. Sadly, as of this writing, wholesale prices are about where they were after last Wednesday, but so are retail prices. So, I don’t see a price hike this week, and expect prices to slowly drop below $2.40 everywhere. (I know in some places, like Allendale, it is already about $2.34.) Write your representatives in Congress about gas prices — maybe they can do something! There was no price hike last week, so the prediction was CORRECT. Prices dropped below $2.30 at a lot of stations over the weekend.

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