May 4

Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying the sun that we saw in Grand
Rapids today!

Back to the topic at hand-
this is a tough call on gas prices this week. We had very positive
reports from the DOE and API about oil inventories (DOE says a 4 mil
barrel rise, API says over TEN mil barrel rise!!)
I don’t see how wholesale prices didn’t go down today.

Crude inventories are now OVER the “above average range” for this time
of year. Last time we had this much crude was March of 2002. Gasoline
inventories remain above average, and gained a few million barrels
last week as well… I just am waiting for the bubble to burst and for
oil prices to go down to $40 and gasoline to $1.25 wholesale ($1.89 pump)

My advice: *IF* there is going to be a rise, it will NOT be large at
ALL. PERHAPS at worst 2.14, but some stations are over that already…

If you need to fill up, goto a station thats cheap. Personally, I am
not going to top off. I don’t think we’ll see a rise… remember
though I have made mistakes ;)… just not many. haha.

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