Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Finally on Monday we began to see prices more in line with what the future prices are telling us. Of course, the problem with that is that we are now set up for a price hike on Wednesday or Thursday. I calculate a new price in the $2.19-$2.24 range. According to someone I know at a certain “Fast” gas station, here’s what will happen: on the day of a price hike, station managers receive an e-mail at about 6AM, specifying the new price. I’m told they are not to implement the price hike until 10AM, and they can delay it for the rest of the day if necessary to deal with nearby competition. Oh, if only I could get on *that* mailing list! The price rose on Thursday the 21st to $2.29, so pretty much CORRECT, though the price was higher than predicted.

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