Tuesday, March 29, 2005

With Monday’s big price hike, we’re done the week, right? So, let me tell you about the new Standale Gas Game, now that the Meijer’s gas station is open. We basically have four stations competing: the Speedway a few miles down across from Family Fare, the Marathon on the corner of Wilson and Lake Michigan Drive, the Citgo in Standale, and the new Meijer’s on Wilson. I’ve seen this twice now: Speedway does the price hike around mid-day. Marathon wants to match the new price, but both Citgo and Meijer’s hold at the old price ($2.05 yesterday), so Marathon does a smaller hike (yesterday to $2.19.) Then there are long gas lines the next few hours at the two cheapies. Meijer’s then raises its price to match Marathon. Finally, when Citgo matches Speedway at the end of the day, the other two match Speedway, and the gas lines disappear.

What to learn from this: if you see a gas hike, go to Standale as you have a few hours to get the old price, if you are willing to wait in a gas line for ten minutes (like I did yesterday).

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