Thursday, June 10, 2004

Gas for $1.90 was spotted yesterday on Division, while gas and oil future prices have continued to slip, lowering the 0-cent margin price to $1.76 (factoring in a 10-cent Chicago Summer Premium for reformulated gas). Meanwhile, you can buy gas for $2.14 in Ada this morning. Keep June 2004 in mind the next time the discussion comes up about the speed in which retailers pass along wholesale price drops. A price hike to reset prices just doesn’t make any sense to me today. What would make sense is a reset of prices (making the price the same everywhere) to, say, $1.97, but I can’t remember Speedway and others ever doing that. So, I predict prices to continue to go down, albeit slowly, through the weekend. Well, that’s more like it — prices dropped 12 cents in Standale in 3 days. So “slowly” doesn’t apply. So, rate this prediction 1/2 CORRECT, 1/2 WRONG.

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