I’ve been down in Florida the past week. On DisneyWorld property, there are only Hess stations. I saw the price go up from $1.93 to $1.94 to $1.95 over a 2-day period. How bizarre to see price hikes of only a penny! Meanwhile, in New York, oil and gas wholesale prices have been bouncing around but, in the end, staying about the same. In Washington, I am now using the “Reformulated Regular Gas Prices” on the Department of Energy web site in order to estimate the Chicago Summer Premium. Put it all together, and you have a price hike to $2.19 coming down the pike tomorrow. It appears prices will drop substantially though after Memorial Day, but we’ll have to see how the markets behave the rest of this week before we can be confident about that. Well, can’t complain about no price hike, other than to say I was WRONG. Prices dropped below $2 around town by the long weekend.
Oil/Gasoline Futures
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Why We Are Here
We enjoy predicting and trying to further our knowledge in the gasoline and oil industry. Our ultimate goal is to "win" the game of price hikes and to accurately predict hikes.
Current Contributors:
Ed A.: ab...@gvsu.edu
Craig P.: cr...@paull.net
Tim S.: ts...@gmail.com
Bill E.: pa...@yahoo.com
The name of the site is based off an essay Ed wrote for the Grand Rapids Press titled "The Gas Game". The current website was established later by Patrick DeHaan after he and Ed predicted gas price hikes on GasBuddy's website GrandRapidsGasPrices.com, as well as Ed’s personal web page.
Note: To be precise, add 9/10 of a cent to all prices described on this web page.
Current Contributors:
Ed A.: ab...@gvsu.edu
Craig P.: cr...@paull.net
Tim S.: ts...@gmail.com
Bill E.: pa...@yahoo.com
The name of the site is based off an essay Ed wrote for the Grand Rapids Press titled "The Gas Game". The current website was established later by Patrick DeHaan after he and Ed predicted gas price hikes on GasBuddy's website GrandRapidsGasPrices.com, as well as Ed’s personal web page.
Note: To be precise, add 9/10 of a cent to all prices described on this web page.