Monday, April 14, 2003

Although volatile, futures prices ended last week about where they began. Retail prices seem to have caught up finally, as I see the low end of gas prices to be about $1.30 right now. (However, looking at the numbers the past six months, I see that I need to recalibrate my formulas, which I will do after the semester is over.) Prices could drop to $1.30, or they could throw a price hike to $1.50 at us on Tuesday or Wednesday. So, no prediction this week, but be on the lookout for any strange price movements, either up or down. I don’t think I was hallucinating when I saw $1.52 at an Admiral station on Alpine on Wednesday, but it wasn’t until Thursday that prices rose to about $1.55. Seems like I’ve been about 5 cents off for a while now.

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