Monday, February 24, 2003

Well, the first letter to the GR Press appeared on Friday, but prices continued to drop, as low as $1.54 this morning in some places. (Although they are near $1.70 elsewhere.) Frankly, despite predicting a rise to $1.79 two weeks ago, I was surprised when it happened, as my spreadsheet calcuations were suggesting $1.69. Figuring some new 10-cent Chicago premium was in play, that’s why I thought we’d see $1.79 again last week. Forgetting that now, my calculations indicate if a price hike occurs this week, the new price will be $1.69 or so. However, some stations are close to that now, so I’m not sure what to think. Hmmm, that means fill the tank! Today! More or less CORRECT, as prices rose on Tuesday the 25th, but they went up to $1.79. Then, on Thursday, there was a ten-cent drop, which I found a bit bizarre.

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