The Spike Line Calculation Adjustment

Two sharp-eyed readers recently commented that the results showing in The Spike Line didn’t match what they calculated using the formulas shown on the page, and those in turn skewed what was showing in the charts. Their comments spurred me to take a look at the spreadsheet that I update daily and underpins what you see on both “The Spike Line” and “Today in Oil” pages. As it turns out, the readers were correct – there were some deviations between the calculations in the spreadsheet and the displayed formulas.

The differences were not dramatic; the actual variances were between roughly 1 and 3 cents. That was enough, though, to throw off when the numbers and charts predicted a spike. I’ve since adjusted the spreadsheet calculations to match the formulas, so anyone doing the math should be reaching the same result. Ohio was not affected, as the formula and calculation matched.

Thanks for following The Gas Game and letting us know! -CP

Updated: May 6, 2017 — 1:56 pm


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  1. Mike - Kalamazoo

    Noticed the Kalamazoo area prices have fallen to the 2.09-2.15 range pretty much all over now. Spike coming this week?

  2. creeping close to the $2.00 mark few places NW ohio RT 20 corridor..but still plenty of 2.20+ prices around..could go either way this week depending on which way spot goes – if it creeps up a few cents a spike may be coming – too early yet to crank it up for memorial day..but good opportunity to reset this week..take it down next then crank it up again week after. My vote is to start topping up again rather than ‘fill up when empty’- not had to do that for 3 weeks now…

  3. Seeing a lot of $1.91 in sw Ohio. Average is still $2.17.

  4. South Bend IN going up to $2.35 today. Average was 2.159. Filled up at Costco for $2.04.

  5. Going up. 2.45 in MI.

  6. ok..17c over spot at the gas station down the street and a spike..speedway leading way to 2.35 NW ohio RT 20 corridor

  7. Greedway up to 2.45 in Kazoo area at lunch today

  8. $2.359 in Ohio. Filled up for $1.869 this morning.

  9. Many who spiked to $2.45 in SE Ann Arbor are edging down to $2.39 while a few have dropped back to $2.19.

  10. if todays numbers are correct lots of 2.20-2.25 NW Ohio RT 20 corridor..within 5c of the spike line. Time to go back to topping off as hike looks imminent..back to at least 2.499 by end of the week?

  11. Gas prices heading up to $2.49 in Indy. Actually surprised a few stations over in the Speedway area were the lowest in town given there’s some big race happening later on this month and plenty of out-of-towners to gouge. Filled up last night for $1.96 cause I’m too lazy to pay with cash for $1.91.

  12. Spiking in Ohio, with an almost 75-cent spread.
    Back to spot-plus 95 cents we go!

  13. $2.55 in Grand Rapids!

  14. South Bend IN going up to $2.39 today. Average was 2.244. Filled up at Costco for $2.05.

  15. Glad I filled up last night just outside of Lansing for $2.26 per gallon beating the 255 spike today!

  16. Mike - Kalamazoo

    Yep. 2.55 in kazoo. Setting us up the the 2.75 next week for the holiday drive.

  17. They’re getting it set up for the holiday weekend drive. Tick down just enough until the next spike a week from today. Wonder if they’ll test out a $1-$1.10 spread and go to $2.59 in Indiana?

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