Time To Scratch the Price Hike Itch

Comment on the July 29 prediction:  As predicted, prices rose that Tuesday to $3.79.  CORRECT!

Sunday, August 11, 2013, 7:15PM:  Prices have fallen nicely since the last hike, with gas as low as $3.31 in Sparta today.  Wholesale have dropped some since the hike, but not a lot, so Big Red and friends have a scratch to itch, either Monday or Tuesday.  Expecting a new price near or at $3.69. –Ed Aboufadel

Updated: August 11, 2013 — 7:16 pm


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  1. Would the new hike day be Tuesday now instead of Monday? It seems like they are trying to change it up a bit.

  2. There are lots of stations in Indiana around $3.60 or so. I wonder if we’ll see even higher…

  3. Normally, hubie, the price hike switch-a-roo is earlier rather than later. I recall a few years back the hikes would happen on Thursday near me. Suddenly, not only did they hike on a Wednesday but it was the first biggest hike I had ever seen at the time (30 cents).

  4. $3.29 @ Cedar Meijer [with Meijer card] last night – woo hoo!

  5. Looks like $3.65 in Grand Rapids.

  6. 3.59 popping up in central Indiana.. Can’t help but wonder if we will have a second spike early next week…

  7. 3.65 in Kazoo area

  8. Nothing in Ohio yet.

  9. $3.559 in Toledo. 🙁

  10. Most places here in Lansing jumped to 3.65 on Tuesday, I believe. A couple of Admiral stations have already fallen back to 3.45.

  11. Prices have been going down in Detroit over the past three days.

  12. just saw 3.85 at a greedway in GR! where is that coming from?

  13. Skyler, as of 12:20PM, I don’t see $3.85 on the Speedway site or on GasBuddy. It certainly doesn’t line up with the numbers I have been seeing in my analysis.

  14. Grand Rapids could be like here in SW Ohio. We have a couple of stations that are ALWAYS 25-30 cents above everyone else. Currently, there is a Marathon @ $3.839 and one @ $3.799

  15. 3.65 spike, and now sloooowly drifting down, spdwy @ 3.62, a few brave admirals back in the high 3.50’s Lucky Flint, got hit just as ‘Back to the Bricks’ started, and half a thousand classic cars came to town to cruise.
    Tinfoil hat on… & now, I predict a hovering 3.60’s game til labor day and hurricane season jitters so they can peg the price at 3.80-90’s til mid Oct.

    hmm Hmmm??

  16. wait.. 3.48, new Flint low. tues spike again?

  17. One of the mildest spikes I’ve ever seen. ONLY a 10 cent increase here in east central Indiana. Let’s hope this crap in Egypt which is keeping WTI Crude high doesn’t spill over and force Chicago Spot higher.

  18. Price at Kroger’s gas station in Troy, Michigan is $3.389 and if you have a Kroger card you can get a discount.

  19. Chris – on GMA this morning they said that what is going on in Egypt should have no bearing on gas prices here. That being said – “should” and “will” are two different things – somebody will say that is the reason for a hike, for sure.

  20. Lots of places around me that never jumped with Greedway. Glad to see a little resistance in southwest Ohio.

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