Gas prices, stocks, ending the year on a high note

Comment on the December 15 prediction: Prices re-set that Thursday to $2.55, so the prediction was CORRECT. Two more hikes have followed since.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:45PM: Well, we got a price hike to $2.69 late yesterday, due to rising wholesale prices the past two weeks. It probably goes hand-in-hand with the stock market hitting highs for the year this week, as energy and stock prices have been in sync for quite a while. This is rather disturbing, though, since retail gas prices tend to bottom out in December, and then climb from January through April. So, does that mean we are heading for $3 gas this winter? I don’t know. But stay tuned for further postings on this site. Happy New Year to all our readers! — Ed Aboufadel

Updated: December 29, 2009 — 2:46 pm

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