Speedway stations deteriorating after just a few years?

Has anyone noticed how some of Speedway’s newly remodeled facilities are already showing signs of rust, neglect, and filth?

Before filling up on my way out of town on vacation, I stopped by the Speedway at 28th St. and Byron Center to find the pumps looking filthy dirty. I happened to look up and see the massive poles that hold up the overhang showing tons of surface rust. Eew! This station had just been remodeled a few years ago, why is it looking filthy, beat up, and neglected?

Anyway, I quick filled my tank and left. Has anyone noticed stations in fair or poor condition that you’ve avoided? Are there stations that are well kept that you frequent?

Let us know by leaving a comment. We might even use your information in a future post!

Also, prices did hike in Grand Rapids from what I can see, but with the wholesale market down 17-cents yesterday, I can’t see it lasting very long.



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  1. I usually fill up at the BP at Lake Michigan Dr & Bridge, Westside Service station and the north-end Meijer stations – all seem to be in great shape. The Marathon on Remembrance is also a well maintained station.

  2. Quick Trip is always kept nice and clean in the Midwest. Most other chains vary, its commen to find nasty gas stations. Except good ol QT.

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