SUNDAY UPDATE: R.I.P. Dave Snyder; Information on Family

Sign Condolence Book here:
I will present all the entries to his family.

As many of you know, there was a fatal accident in town on Saturday that took the life of Dave Snyder. He was 50.

It was going to be a trip to Chicago for a birthday party, one that ended tragically when Dave and his wife attempted to switch lanes; a car was in his blind spot and Dave over-corrected, sending the car into the ditch that seperates the two directions of I-196.

The car came to a stop after hitting a tree- Dave was pronounced dead at the scene, while his wife was taken out by the jaws of life. She is currently at Spectrum Hospital awaiting Sunday surgery. She has been able to talk and is aware of her surroundings.

I sat with Chris (Dave’s son) and his wife, Alisha last night. They are holding up. Please pray that the surgery goes well. This page will be used to update her condition, if possible.


SUNDAY UPDATE: I just got a phone call; Marlyce is in surgery at this time (two broken wrists). One wrist has been operated on, and they are currently operating on the other. Pray that healing goes well and there are no complications. I will be headed down to the hospital later this afternoon.

Updated: February 11, 2007 — 2:59 pm


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  1. Patrick,

    Please keep us updated as to the arrangements for Dave. There are literally hundreds of people who are interested in sending condolences to Dave’s family scattered around five phillies sites on the internet, (Dave’s site),,,, and I can reach all of them for you.

    I don’t want to bother Chris right now, so please get in touch with me. I’ve registered with my email address; feel free to use it.


  2. Patrick,

    Thank you for posting on and letting us know of your connection to Chris and that they are doing the best they can during this terrible time. I am glad to hear Marlyce is doing better and hope the surgery goes well.

    Please extend to Chris, Marlyce, Alisha and the rest of the family our most heartfelt condolences, best wishes and prayers…Dave was a wonderful person and we will all miss him.

    As Chuck says, please let us know the arrangements if/when you can. Thank you and take care.

    Vote for Kalas

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