DOE Report and Quick Hike to 2.35

Looks like Greedway wasn’t happy with profit so they re-hiked to 2.35
this morning, so go get gas on your break or when you’re out this
morning. I’ll tell you that prices haven’t really gone up much this
week, just staying around the same area at 1.58, so I really didn’t
think a hike was necessary.

Anyway, here’s the outlook for the rest of the week and next:

The DOE report showed gasoline stockpiles added 2.6 million barrels,
which was above what was expected. This should bode well for wholesale
prices. However, crude and distillate inventories fell- as expected.
This might make diesel prices go up a few cents so be ready for that.

We’re at a turning point on prices- crude has been stuck around $59. If
it makes it over $60, we might see the start of another gradual climb
into Spring. If it can’t make it over $60 in the next week, we might
see another falling pattern. Of course, whichever way crude oil goes is
likely the same way that gasoline goes.
I’ll be keeping an eye on it and hoping that oil doesn’t break the
important $60 barrier. It is sitting at 59.37 as we speak, so its close!

I don’t think we’ll see a hike until next week now that Greedway has
reset prices, however, that could change later today if for some reason
wholesale prices rise.

The hike to 2.35 shouldn’t last long, and we should see prices fall back to 2.25-2.29 pretty quickly.


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