20 months later, we’re finally back to $1.99!

According to GRGP.com, the Citgo in Cannonsburg has just dropped to $1.99, making it the first known station to me to drop under $2 since May 2005, roughly 20 months ago!

In addition to that, I am still amazed that local stations haven’t dropped faster. Prices have gone down 3 cents per day for the last few days, yet many stations have held steady at 2.19. Why? Because they want a bundle of extra money in their pockets. Good job, Cannonsburg Citgo!

Prices *could* work down to 1.95 the next few days but if they don’t start falling below 2.09 fast, there is no way we’ll see 1.95 til mid-next week.

Enjoy it while it lasts (at this point, all signs are pointing to it lasting a few weeks– that is the slide in oil and gasoline prices)


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