Tuesday, 8/1 Status of GR Gas Prices

Hello, and Happy Tuesday morning everyone!
First off, I’d like to welcome all the newcomers to this that watched my interview on WOODTV8 last week. I bet some of you have been expecting a e-mail, but prices haven’t gone up just yet (thankfully), have they?

Well, we’re kind of reaching the low point of prices for the time being. Wholesale prices are down to 2.21-2.23 area which would dictate a price of 2.95-3.05 at the pump, and on the Gas Buddy page, I see we’re getting down near the 2.95 mark, even 2.93 in a few places.

Its a tough call, but if it was me, I’d be keeping my tank full as we roll into mid-Tuesday.

I really doubt we’ll see a price hike today or Wednesday, but it would be more likely we’ll see one by week’s end. If you want to be safe, fill up on your way to work. Again, I don’t believe we’ll see a rise, but its better to find gas “cheap” today than find it “expensive” later. (Gosh, cheap being 2.95? I remember to 2003 when it was 1.39! Ugh.)

Stay tuned, I’ll try to keep you informed!


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