Hi from Ohio

Hello to everyone from Sandusky, Ohio… America’s Roller Coast!

Looking like Grand Rapids (and Sandusky!) will be seeing a price hike as hurricane news has commodity investors coming back after last weeks sell-off. Current prices near me are down to as low as 2.59 for regular unleaded, and in Grand Rapids I see prices down to the upper 2.60’s. I paid 2.89 for premium this afternoon (plus 5% off using my BP Visa equals 2.74 per gallon!)

However, all good things must come to an end. Last year at this time, prices were in the very low 2’s, but we’re seeing prices much higher this year due to Iran, Nigeria, and now, the hurricane season that is just around the corner.

Prices look to fluctuate a lot this summer, but I think we’ll see prices moderate until the FIRST major GULF Hurricane.

But, for now, fill up! Looking for 2.89-2.95 for REGULAR in the Grand Rapids area, and 2.85-2.89 for regular here in Sandusky.

Happy Memorial Day!

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