Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Pretty peculiar out there right now — in many parts of town, prices are in the $1.93 to $1.99 range, following up the price hike last week. In other parts, there didn’t seem to be a price hike, and prices are in the low $1.80’s. Wholesale prices are odd, too. I usually average the current month and following month prices from NYMEX, and this morning the March futures are $1.28 while the April futures are 10 cents higher, which is quite unusual. Put it all together, and, well, if I was Speedway, I’d reset all my stations to $1.99 again this week. That’s not a prediction for now, though, but keep your eyes open for rapid changes. Like I said, it wasn’t an official prediction, but it was accurate, as prices went up to $2.03 on Thursday. They were back to $1.96 a lot of places by Saturday, though.

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