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  1. Am I seeing this right spot prices are down $.20 a gallon so far today!?!?? this is incredible

  2. Sport Trac…NYMEX RBOB futures down 24c at this instant. Chicago spot closed at 92.8c yesterday.

  3. Holy Crap Batman..

  4. Craig, I’ve noticed frequent updates on the site but the numbers below that don’t seem to be changing much, if at all. Are the differences really that minuscule?

  5. Jeff, thank you for pointing this out. I’ve adjusted the underlying spreadsheet and re-posted the Spike Line page. Today in Oil appears to have been unaffected, and the graphs have been current.

  6. Thanks, Craig. That looks a lot better.

  7. Had to go to the east side Ann Arbor Costco today to pick up my new specs. Was told they can’t adjust them due to COVID-19. Anyway, pulled in and saw literally no cars at the gas station, unlike a week ago when the line(s) were all the way out to the street. Filled up at $1.59/gal. Most of the mainstream stations, 95%, are stuck on $1.99 and won’t go lower.

  8. Crude down another $5 or 18%. Soon $1.50 will be the norm.

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