Starting to Feel Like A Summer Oil Rally

Comment on the June 27 prediction: Kind of WRONG, since the hike didn’t happen until after the holiday.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 8:00PM: Oil has quietly rallied 10% in the past month, including a health jump today. This is consistent with the seasonality seen in this chart. Nothing dramatic is going on (yet), but the Gas Game brain trust agree that we’ve got a hike coming, tomorrow or Thursday. New price will be at least $2.49 in Michigan, but could be higher. -EA

Updated: July 25, 2017 — 8:06 pm


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  1. Several stations east of Ann Arbor moved to $2.39 this morning but according to GB none of the others have followed them…yet. $2.18 seems to be the common price as of this evening.
    Craig’s post has me a bit confused as I am not certain which of his MI numbers are accurate at this point.

  2. Still have a lot of stations in the $2.30s in sw Ohio(avg is $2.25, 5 cents higher than the rest of the state, STILL). $2.399 in Ohio would not even be noticed.

  3. Hard to believe our interval from the last hike 7 days ago in Chicago until today’s hike was shorter than all the hyper active markets to our east.

  4. Spot up to $1.55 and crude knocking on $50. Looks like Big Red will pull the spike lever soon

  5. just topped off on way to work 1.999 NW ohio RT 20 a speedway of all places- at 15c below spike price think can say goodbye to that today..although a lot places still at 2.20+ nearby – so maybe back to only 2.299 today

  6. Gas is going up to $2.55/gal today I need Mi

  7. Yep, Greedway leading the way to 2.55 in Kazoo area..

  8. $2.399 in sw Ohio today.

  9. The Lassus Brothers of Northeast Indiana say “Let’s shoot for the stars! $2.45 it is!”

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