You say Tuesday, so I’ll say Thursday

Comment on the April 18 prediction:  As predicted, prices rose, but only to $3.79 on April 19, and then $3.89 a few days later.  Call it CORRECT!  I haven’t posted since then, but Bill has been keeping up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013:  From what I can tell, wholesale prices have been keeping pretty steady the past few weeks.  Bill suspected a spike on Monday or Tuesday, but those with long memories know that Thursday is historically the favorite day for Big Red and Friends.  I am anticipating a hike back to $3.89 on Thursday, and I will fill up tomorrow morning. — Ed A.

Updated: May 8, 2013 — 6:13 pm


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  1. Well, Bill was right … spiked from 3.53 to 3.79 in Evansville last night …

    Better luck next time, Ed.

  2. Bill wasn’t right about west Michigan, and that’s my territory.

  3. I thought I saw some prices rise here in Indy, but averages went down everywhere, so I think no spike. I was wrong.

    If we are getting supplied by Gulf Coast as I have read, and they are 30 cents lower than our market price, the 5-6 cents over the Spike Line I see is not enough to cause a spike… except in Michigan where they may not have a pipeline from the Gulf for supply.

  4. $3.85 today MI

  5. So we are supplied by the gulf coast but a few inches of rain in the Chicago area and up we go…

    And people wonder why the oil industry has a credibility issue.

  6. I wish we could get supplied from the Gulf Coast more often, but the drop didn’t last. Indiana’s on the rise once again (imagine that). Thanks Greedway

  7. We are getting some supply from the Gulf due to our higher prices here. Once the price goes back down, we won’t be getting supply from the Gulf.

  8. New spike record for speedway here in Flint. 3.35 8 this morning 3.85 by 2:30 pm. it takes real commitment to just advance a 50 cent per gal jump with no actual serious reason why

  9. Gas jumped in bg, ky today by 30 cents, funny didn’t change in surrounding towns or
    Even Lexington, ky.
    Bg (bowling green) usually has higher prices than Nashville, think it’s a
    Monopoly here. It jumps high, drops a penny, jumps high, drops a penny, etc
    While surrounding towns gas will not change a cent?? Greedy crooks here.

  10. Gotta love supply and demand. Greedway controls the supply and demands we pay whatever they feel like charging us.

  11. 50 divided by 335 gives a .149, or 14.9% price jump. That may be a record, if not close. What over commodity gets to jump that much in an hour? Speedway will continue to drive this policy to cover up the real pricing and margins. There can be no other reason, but to be for their benefit. And benefit is ultimately measured in $$.

  12. The Greedway here in Ohio near where I’m working just dropped from $3.37 to $3.33. I wonder if this is one of those weird spikes where some jump, some don’t and the ones that do jump come right back down? WTI Crude is down a couple bucks today so hopefully Chicago Spot will sink as well.

  13. Really odd. No jump in Ohio, or northern Kentucky as of yet. Greedway’s starting to become unpredictable.
    Hope I didn’t fill up both cars for nothing this morning.

  14. Not to be “one of those guys”, but:

    A few months ago, we had a few stations go from $2.83 to $3.59 in one shot. 21.45% jump.
    Granted, they were the LOWEST in the area, pre-spike, but still.

  15. Does the variability in price depend on which pipeline is delivering the product? Do they use any terminals other than Marathon’s?

  16. New spike record for the lowest increase in years. Instead of gunning up 30 cents, Daleville, IN only went up 6 cents to $3.75. Wonder why so generous? Meanwhile Springboro, OH continues to hold in the low $3.30’s

  17. Variability is a terrible thing to waste.

    Seems to me that oil is priced as a commodity when it suits Big Oil and as a locally produced and sold entity when it (also) suits Big Oil.

    So, when crude goes up, naturally gasoline goes up. When crude goes down, or stays flat, local reality takes over and up we go.

    Finally, in the rare occasions that BOTH crude and gasoline are stable and relatively low, some mishap in another part of the country (i.e. across the coast) occurs and up we go, just because.

    Before I pass on to a world where gasoline is a dollar at best, I’d really like to know why the Speedway effect happens, and why it only happens in the Midwest. I kind of have my suspicions, but… I mean, I won’t see Bigfoot any time soon, Nessie was seen last week by my wife (in Disneyworld) so I have one last item of note to kick off my bucket list.

  18. Well the local Greedway jumped to $4.09 on Saturday…. on Sunday afternoon it was back at
    $ 3.89. There are still some stations in the US 30 corridor (I-65 to IL state line) at $4.09 some at $3.89 and others in between. We sure are getting hosed on the prices up here !
    Maybe it was just a test to see if $4.25 or $4.50 would fly ? We are surly on the way to $5 !
    I am glad my C-MAX gets near 50 MPG in the summer time !

  19. Greedway in Ohio is making the jump to $3.759 this morning.
    Luckily, I was able to top off earlier, at $3.359.

  20. Noticing that a lot of places are NOT playing the game, yet.
    A lot of $3.3x and $3.4x still to be found around my part of town.

  21. Greedway led the jump to ~$3.759 avg. in Toledo.

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