Have we reached the top?

Today has an article on the possibility that gas prices may have plateaued. I’m skeptical, but hoping all the same they are right. I found this article while reading through some Jalopnik articles, and coming across this:

Why gas prices go up much faster than they go down

It’s also an interesting read. Buried deep in that article is a link to a calculator. The Cheapest Gas in Your Area. It’s something I’ve been finding myself doing a lot lately. Pull out the iPod, and the GasBuddy App. Look for the cheapest local prices, and hope that something good close by comes up. Now I don’t have to do the math in my head.

But even the Spike Line hasn’t liked the rising prices. I’ve not caught the last 2 or 3 spikes before they happened. These high gas prices have really hurt our budget, although I am lucky to have two Saturns that get 30+mpg, so it may not be as bad as others have it. There seems to be not a whole lot we can do but wait it out. Keep with us, we will do what we can to report when prices are rising for you.

Updated: April 29, 2011 — 10:58 am


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  1. $4 is the new $3… and $5 will be the new $4.

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