The 20¢ Chicago discount is gone, spike is eminent .

When the bottom fell out of the market Tuesday, Chicago only fell 2+¢ while Group 3 and NYMEX RBOB fell ~16¢. The Chicago Spot is now dead even with Group 3. With a spike up in spot prices the last two days, we are now in Spike territory in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Expect the possibility of a spike tomorrow, with the slight chance that it will hold off until the weekend of after.

Updated: March 17, 2011 — 4:39 pm


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  1. Speedway went to $3.659 this morning in West Michigan and $3.599 along the Indiana border.

  2. Already happening in Ohio. $3.599. I paid $3.189 yesterday.

  3. actually, the spike was imminent.

  4. True, but I got the post out a day before it happened. At the time, my article title was correct. 😉

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