Ed was correct, but the market just spiked up 10¢ today

With tomorrow being the most popular spike day, and the markets closing up ten cents today, things are shaping up for us to have a spike up tomorrow. Indiana saw 92% of the Speedways go up today, but not uniformly, to an average of $3.12. Other areas won’t fare as well, and Indiana could see this, too.

Indiana: $3.15-3.19
Michigan, Ohio and NW Indiana: $3.19-3.25

Updated: January 26, 2011 — 6:29 pm


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  1. Hikes all around today. Stamp a big WRONG on my head this time.

  2. Ed, you were correct in my eye, until the market spiked up like it did. Up 9 cents Wednesday, down 4.5 on Thursday, up 7.25 today. How crazy is that?

  3. In the West Michigan area, gas is up to about 3.55/gal

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