Spike looming tomorrow

We should see a spike tomorrow. We have seen prices fall rapidly to meet the wholesale, which spent the last two days going up. Indiana has crossed the spike line, and Michigan is close behind. The big question is the price. Currently in Indianapolis we have seen all Kroger stations go up to $2.69. I don’t expect the spike to reach those levels. With the current spike lines at $2.41 in Indiana, and $2.423 in Michigan, we should expect a spike in the $2.51 area. For Michigan and NW Indiana, this could be 5-10 cents more.

For NW Indiana, this is due to the premium the Chicago Spot RBOB has over regular. For Michigan, just call it a hunch. The numbers don’t look spike worthy, but Michigan has been 6-10 cents above Indiana for about a week. This either means the gas stations have been greedy, or we are seeing supply issues. I really couldn’t tell you what’s going on without some spot prices from the racks in Michigan. But right now I can only speculate.


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  1. Speedway is resetting to 2.59 in Ohio. Just saw it on their website. Greedy jerks.

  2. I will continue to fill up at Sam’s Club, Speedway and the rest can go kiss my lower left! Christmas is usually when gas prices are the lowest of the entire year, last year we were right around $1.50 a gallon at this time, by all rights we ought to be close to $2.00 or so, not above $2.50. There is no reason other than greed for them to raise prices now. I guess as the song goes, Tis the season to be greedy…fa la la la la….

  3. Same here – my two fav places to fill up are Sam’s Club or Meijer with my Meijer card – depending on who has the lowest prices. Another thing I agree with Tom on – they can kiss my lower left as well! LOL!!! Happy Holidays!

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