Okay, retailer… wholesale prices have risen…

…but please lower your prices until you need to buy that more expensive gasoline!

Folks- that Chicago discount is drying up fast as the Winter blended fuel (RVP 11.5) is sold at an alarming rate. Summer gasoline that pollutes less but costs more to produce is starting to be produced (RVP 9.0) and will slowly work its way to market.

The Chicago Discount today has come way back off its highs of 30-cents (discount per gallon) and is under 10-cents. That means wholesale prices are higher, and it also sets the stage for an increase in gas prices as the discount dries up and stations begin filling their tanks with the more expensive Summer gasoline.

However, prices may dip to $1.7X this weekend (remember the first non-member station under 1.80 gets a shout-out!), so I wouldn’t be in a hurry to fill up.

Speedway States may have a price increase early next week so stay tuned!

Also check out our new Twitter Updates, which are going to be much more raw and updated more often than the blog.




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  1. I can’t seem to find you on twitter. I am somewhat twitter challenged.

  2. Never mind. I saw the link on this page!

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