I’m planning on filling up Tuesday morning

Comment on my 7/17 prediction: Basically CORRECT, as prices have been falling for a few weeks now, albeit slowly.

Monday, July 30, 2007, 7:45 PM: We are setting up for a price hike soon, perhaps as soon as Tuesday, to the $2.99-$3.09 range. If the AXXIS prices are correct, then the 20-cent margin price this evening is about $3.04. Gas is $2.68 in Fort Wayne, Indiana this evening! By the way, I spent much of last week driving between GR and Traverse City a few times. It was interesting to see prices go up a penny for each 20 miles or so north that I was of Grand Rapids.


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  1. Based on today’s rack prices, the 20 cent margin is $2.90. It’s possible that they will go $2.899 before the end of the week, but it really doesn’t seem necessary at the moment.

  2. If we really get a 5-6 cent increase tonight like the market is showing, then $2.959 seems pretty likely tomorrow.

  3. We ended up with a 5.3 cent increase, so I’m expecting to see $2.959 in the next couple hours.

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