BP’s Whiting Refinery is AGAIN partially shut down/most shut down.
We’re going to see local prices SPIKE as we’ve already seen a hike to 3.25.
“BP apparently shut a crude unit at its 410,000 barrel per day
Whiting, Ind., refinery,” said Tim Evans, an analyst at Citigroup Inc.The unit processes 250,000 barrels of crude per day, which itself is larger
than many refineries, Evans said. The shutdown created concerns among
traders that gasoline production would be hurt — sending futures
higher — and that there will be less demand for crude, sending oil
futures lower.
BP is shutting a 250,000 barrel-a-day crude unit, the largest of three at Whiting, the biggest refinery in the U.S. Midwest, a person familiar with the plant’s status said today. A restart date hasn’t been determined. A second crude unit, able to process about 75,000 barrels a day, is also out of service and may restart at the end of the summer.
The outage was the latest in a series of refinery problems that pushed U.S. refining capacity to its lowest in 19 years