August 31

An unprecedented third (I believe?) e-mail in one day for you Grand Rapids Gas Price Warning E-mail subscribers (boy that was long!)

Well, at least this e-mail has some light at the end of the tunnel.

Since the EPA eased pollution requirements on gas, the wholesale price has come down about 20 cents per gallon off their high of 2.50. Now, in this game, I must tread carefully because wholesale costs can change in a heartbeat.

At this time, Grand Rapids and the midwest have near the highest fuel costs in the nation. (Quite a change from a month ago when it was $1.89, the lowest in the U.S.!!) I think we’re going to be holding steady at around $3.19 a gallon for the time being. I see a few stations charging more than $3.25, and in MY mind, that is just blatent gouging. Avoid those stations.
If you would like to report a gas gauging station, call 1-877-765-8388.

We may fluctuate a few cents, but if I did my math right, there shouldn’t be any more significant price hikes (if wholesale costs hold).

Take a deep breath, and plan to conserve fuel. Its all up to us… if you drive for labor day, maybe carpool, or don’t drive as far, etc.

We need to conserve. Another good reason to conserve is that *SOME* distributors are RATIONING fuel… which means we MAY or may NOT see gas stations run low or out of fuel.

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